Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 1 again?

In the effort of looking at each day as New Years, it's been ok... got slept by my kittens and honey this morning, but considering my honey left a bit ago for a job in PHX for a week, the extra snuggle time was welcome. And since it'll just be me, I'm doing my work out & a bit of yoga when I get home.

I was very proud of me yesterday, though - I had to run an errand at CostCo yesterday that took longer than expected (no surprise there!) and my honey kept commenting 'oooh, the pizza smells good... we can just have dinner here... I'll buy.' But I resisted. Then we had to stop by a friends house who just made dinner - bacon, sausage, potatoes - and of course offered us some... I declined. Went home, made dinner (thank heavens it was quick!!!), and even though we ate in front of the tv, I took the time to *watch* what I was eating, and ended up hitting 'full' a little before I finished.

As this is my first week back really on track I didn't want to slide so early on. Not to mention it's my first week focusing on my calories and using the cycling ranges that CCshere got together for me, so I'm almost hyper focusing on food... Speaking of which, I need to go shopping soon!

I was also proud of me for remembering to wear my pedometer today - but my skirt took some adjusting. It showed that I'd walked about 6k steps in the last hour or so, but my waist band was a little lose (oh darn) and had to scrunch it down a little to make the pedometer more stable.

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