Friday, December 18, 2009


Yeah... that stuff I mentioned yesterday about feeling less than enthusiastic about my workouts?

I was really hoping that a semi-decent night's sleep would have helped, but the snooze bar was sooo tempting this morning, and I think I spent 5 minutes looking at my workout clothes before I actually put them on.

I did find some good motivation to get myself out the door.

Ok... it was more like really strong coffee, but you get the idea...

I did my workout as re-planned: did the plan, but did scale it back. I did 4 rounds instead of 5, dropped the amount of weight I had planned and took extra time with it.

I felt good afterwards but was really happy to leave.

Yeah... looks like a forced rest period this weekend and probably for next week.

I also decided to take advantage of the spiffy reporting features that Spark People has to offer and realized I've done a LOT of work over the last 10 weeks.

On average, I've done about 150 minutes of activity each week.

Now to some, that may be leaving you skritching your head thinking, "I do that in one day, why on earth would you be tired? Lazy bum."

Ok, maybe not the bum part, but compared to some, I'm way on the low end of dedicated fitness minutes.

But what I lack in quantity, I make up for in quality and intensity.

I'm all about the short, efficient, intense workouts. Nothing wrong with longer workouts - It works well for some folks and while I do enjoy me a long stroll once in a while on the weekends, as a day to day thing, not for me.

3 things I learned about how to effectively deal with my hypothyroidism is to 1) get on the right meds and the right dose, 2) nutrition [especially adequate protein intake and eating real food] is a huge factor in how my body functions, and 3) Go for exercise that gives me a big bang for my buck with out totally burning me out.

#3 is why I looooves my CrossFit workouts.

For example here's a rundown of what I've done this week:

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups (60# assist)
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

I did 10, count them _10_ rounds!!!

PR's all over the place: most rounds for Cindy to date, I did 8 FULL pushups (Ok, I didn't get all the way down to the ground, but darnitall I was on my toes and feet were together), finished the 10 rounds in under 20 minutes.

AM workout: clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I did 50-55-55-60-60-65-65

Whoo hoo!!! I hit my 65# PR!!!

PM: Hit the gym again for a 33 minute interval walk/run - 5 min. warm up/cool down, then 3 min push (mostly running between 5.0 - 6.1 mph) and 1 min. recovery.

YAY rest day!

As RX'd:
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

I opted for the "Puppy" version:
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
1 pood Kettlebell swing, 20 reps (Used a 25# DB)
20 Beginner or assisted Pull-ups (60# assisted)

I managed 2, count them _2_ rounds in 14 minutes.

Soothed my humble, kicked bottom with a 1/4 mile run the a 1/4 mile walk to cool down.

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Push-jerk, 15 reps
15 L pull-ups

Post time to comments.

I opted for the scaled down version
Five rounds for time of:
Push-jerk 65 lbs, 15 reps
10 Tuck sit pull-ups

And scaled it down even more:
1 round PJ @ 55#, 3 rounds @ 50#
Pull-ups were done from the ground pulling myself up to the bar

4 rounds - 15-ish minutes.


Take all of that and multiply it by the last 10 weeks...

Yeah... it's given me awesome results but eventually I get the ClueX4 to take a rest.

If that wasn't enough of a ClueX4, the fact that my resting heart rate has creeped up the last few days was enough to scare me into paying attention.

I shall enjoy the heck out of said rest - Bring on the cookies & bonbons!


I will be taking it easy, enjoying the Netflix holiday movies on order, getting kitten snuggle time, spending time with friends and scheduling a night with the hubby to walk through Winterhaven to look at the lights.

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