Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hate that...

I've been getting too many flicks in the head from the PTB, and today's "healthy reflection" kept it coming...

"If you met yourself, would you want to stick around and talk? Are you the kind of person others can be proud of?"

There's lots of times I think I'm not someone I would want to hang out with, or be proud of... especially if I let some of the snarky people influence my thinking... I figure if they think I'm not worthy of being around, then I must not be...

Granted other times I *know* it's their loss, not mine. :)

With stuff like this week where the scale and energy level have been all over the place, it's hard to not get down on myself. But I'm working on my attitude, as always, and measuring my babysteps and successess. If I can't see progress in pounds and inches, then I look for it in ounces and centemeters.

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