Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"Something has changed and you are ready to dig into an issue that you might have been avoiding until now. The solutions to your problems, though, are no longer as simple as they once were. Your best weapon in this current engagement with reality is your cooperative attitude. You would feel invincible as long as you stay focused on working for the betterment of everyone involved."

This would be another "Ow! Quit it!" flick from the PTB...

But in meditating on the flicks from yesterday, I'm working on my positive expectations. It got me up this morning, it helped me go for a walk, and the scale was a bit lower... yay! I am looking up and having the positive expectations that I'll get to my first weight goal by the end of the month. And by that point, I'll have done enough of my routine to get my nails done... which will be around the next pay day. Yay... Working this pay period to not spend money too frivolously - already have done enough recently. *sigh* It's not about depriving myself, it's about short term sacrifice for long term gain... I want to have enough left over this pay period that I can start rebuilding my savings.

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