Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good everything day!

First off, thank you for everyone who responded yesterday - *sniff* I totally felt the love! And a friend put it best:

Fine! Just let me be the first to say I gave everyone the opportunity to tell me to go be a beet farmer on the plains of somewhere without internet access... but noooo, ya'll had to go and be encouraging. ROFL.

Today has been a really interesting day that's been super for my ego! Decided it was time to pull out The Top and wear it... I was hesitant because... well, I was hiding behind it being 'not work appropriate' but really, its so different from what I normally wear, *I* wasn't ready for it. But what the heck! And the only pants I had to wear were ones that I'd never ever worn before...ever. These pants lived next to The Grey Skirt for years! Well, they've officially moved out of the recesses of my closet on to my butt! LOL!

And I am going to wear this outfit everysingledayofmylife!

I got so many compliments I was starting to get really self conscious! Even my boss lady - the one that took about 2 weeks to realize I'd gotten my hair cut and had bangs - commented on how great & thin I looked. Eeeps. And YAY!

And my hubby got to hire his 2nd team member today.

Double yay!!!

So all in all it's a very good day.

Oh, and then I came across this little gem that offers yet another awesome benefit to cleaning up your nutrition.

It definitely explains how I managed to be at the beach for over an hour in FL without sun block (I know I know I know! The whole trip to the beach was a misadventure!) by barely turning pale pink, but the hubby ended up lobster red. I'm not banking on it this weekend for the Tucson SP Rally, but still, it's nice to know that there's yet another bonus to eating right!

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