So, the PTB decided that it was time for us to get another kitten... or rather have another kitten have us.
His name is Mr. Muggins... although I've been calling him Mugsy, Mr. Muggles, and Mr. Woogums - annoys the Honey and probably confuses the kitten. ;)

We kinda didn't have a choice about getting him. On the way to get me Tuesday, a guy came up the car and asked Orion if he could get a ride... no... ummm... wanna buy a cat... no.... ::thrusts cat in car:: here, then just take it off my hands ::mewhelpmemew:: ok.
So we are now the proud people to a cute little fluffer.
He's been checked at the vets and is fine - had a couple of flea's but otherwise in good health and FLV neg. The other kittens are soooo not happy with us at the moment, but hope it passes... And it's been so long since I've been around kittens that i forget what it's like - sorta like little kids: playplayplayplaypl...a... zzzzzzzzzz..... O_O playplayplayplayplayplayp....zzzzzz... repeat. He's still relegated to the downstairs bathroom when we're gone or for sleeping purposes for the time being and we'll work on the integration next week.
But yeah... he's a cutiebutt. :)
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