Apparently... yesterday was my day for passing tests.
Not only did I overcome some personal and emotional challenges, but the nice folks at ISSA seem think that I know a thing or two about health and fitness.
As of 8:02 PST this morning, I'm an official ISSA certified Personal Trainer!

I've been trying to think of something really insightful to say about this accomplishment or something inspiring about pursuing your dream, continue working on your goals, yadda, yadda, yadda... but I can only come up with one thing:
Now to spend some quality time meditating on what to do next. I'll try not to take as long with that as I did the first test. :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I'm so behind and missed it on the appropriate day. Rock on with your bad trainer self, girl! WOOT!
Well done!
I'm hoping to begin my PT course in Sept, was due to start it in May, but I'm working on getting the gym I work for to pay for it :)
I accidently replied to you on my blog, woops!
Your definitely right about the I gave myself one yesterday :) Just a day! I tend to go with the Les Mills mantra 'When your body screams...tell it to shut up!'
I keep seeing things about Crossfit on blogs, I shall google it to find out more!
As I live in Loughborough term time it is easier for me to keep up with things such as running gym etc, but whilst Im at home in Eastbourne I have way more distractions and just live in studio classes...not that I don't love that mind you! I think your right, i'm just tired! Not to worry, Im going on holiday in a week and a half! yay!
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