From today's Healthy Reflections:
Know your limits...but never stop trying to exceed them.
- Anonymous
Overcoming your personal "stop signs"
Many of us use our "limitations" as a stop sign for reaching our goals. While knowing our limits can safeguard us against injury and embarrassment, too often we use them as avoidance methods in our lives. What is holding you back from reaching your goals? How can you push beyond your comfort zone in a healthy way? Many dieters experience such limitations in on their weight loss journeys. Our bodies and minds are capable of overcoming much more than we could ever imagine if we just try. Today set new goals that may push you a little. Overcoming your personal hang-ups and fears may be one of the most rewarding choices you'll ever make!
And then my horrorscope for today:
"Today's Full Moon falls in your 4th House of Foundations, motivating you to get to the bottom of an issue that's been bothering you recently. It may be scary to share your concerns with anyone else, yet you may discover that it's not nearly as bad as you expected once you get it out into the open. Don't put off an important discussion; it can change things for you in a positive way faster than you think."
Double OW!!!
And then from my No Excuses group:
"The longer you wait to act on a decision (to start exercising, start eating right, start drinking 64 ounces of water per day, etc.) the less likely it is to happen. Take action RIGHT NOW so that you are that much closer to having tons of energy and being as healthy as possible. YES, YOU ARE WORTH IT!"
Eeesh, ok, I get it!
It is always interesting when I get the same message over and over again in a short time frame... especially when it's right in line with thoughts I have been having. This week, I've gotten the message that I need to do a anocrainectomy (pull my head out of my bum ;) and 1) start addressing issues, 1a) write down a workable plan/goals, 2) start sharing my goals and plans with other people [aka my HS (aka: hubby squee! ;)] and 3) stop thinking/pondering/contemplating/planning/wondering about it and just do it!
The biggest eye opener was when I was transfering my SP blog entries over to blogger (easier to sort through stuff that way) and I noticed several trends, but the overall feeling I was left with was, "OMG I'm such a whiner!" Theres a few entries that I was surprised by my wit and insight, but for the most part it was a bunch of 'I'm gonna do it, darn it. Oh poor me, dind't do this. Oooh, lookie at me I didn't have cake, but didn't exercise either.' Blah.
I'm really tired of being that person. And more importantly, I'm tired of thinking like that person. I'm wanting to be a person of action; a person who gets up, does what she needs to do because it's what I do, and don't dwell on it. To get results, I must embrace the routine, enjoy the process, and not get bogged down in the details.
This week it was more difficult to get up as the week went on, but I did it. I did my best to not begrudge it, and told myself, "I am excited and proud to get up at 5:45 every morning to go to the gym: as I was going to sleep and when my alarm went off in the morning. This morning I was almost too perky because of the cute new skort thingy I got to work out in... it's funny that feeling cute and flirty helps get ya going, but I'm sticking with whatever it takes to help keep me going.
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